更新时间:2021-07-09 21:07:11
Chef: Powerful Infrastructure Automation
What this learning path covers
What you need for this learning path
Who this learning path is for
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Part 1. Module 1
Chapter 1. Installing Chef
Working with Chef
Installing a Chef server
Configuring a Chef server
Validating that your service is working
Chapter 2. Modeling Your Infrastructure
Getting to know Chef
Modeling your infrastructure
Organizing your configuration data
Large-scale infrastructure
Chapter 3. Integrating with the Cloud
Leveraging the cloud
Chapter 4. Working with Cookbooks
Writing recipes
Chapter 5. Testing Your Recipes
Testing recipes
RSpec and ChefSpec
Getting started with ChefSpec
Chapter 6. From Development to Deployment
Describing the setup
Deploying software with Chef
Configuring your local environment
Modeling a simple Python application
Managing the cookbooks
Defining roles
Adding users
Provisioning EC2 instances
Configuring the web server
Deploying your software
Chapter 7. Beyond Basic Recipes and Cookbooks
Managing users
Writing custom extensions
Working with data bags
Chapter 8. Extras You Need to Know
Vagrant and Chef-solo
Getting to know the Chef shell
Integration testing
Extending Chef
Automation and integration
Part 2. Module 2
Chapter 1. Chef Infrastructure
Using version control
Installing the Chef development kit on your workstation
Using the hosted Chef platform
Managing virtual machines with Vagrant
Creating and using cookbooks
Inspecting files on your Chef server with knife
Defining cookbook dependencies
Managing cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf
Downloading and integrating cookbooks as vendor branches into your Git repository
Using custom knife plugins
Deleting a node from the Chef server
Developing recipes with local mode
Using roles
Using environments
Freezing cookbooks
Running Chef client as a daemon
Using chef-shell
Chapter 2. Evaluating and Troubleshooting Cookbooks and Chef Runs
Testing your Chef cookbooks
Flagging problems in your Chef cookbooks
Test-driven development for cookbooks using ChefSpec
Integration testing your Chef cookbooks with Test Kitchen
Showing affected nodes before uploading cookbooks
Overriding a node's run list to execute a single recipe
Using why-run mode to find out what a recipe might do
Debugging Chef client runs
Inspecting the results of your last Chef run
Raising and logging exceptions in recipes
Diff-ing cookbooks with knife
Using community exception and report handlers