[词语]to tread on sb's corns
[趣释]【物事喻指】“鸡眼”(corn),又称“钉胼”,是人的脚掌或脚趾上角质增生形成的小圆硬块,踩到时有剧痛感。于是,人们用“踩到某人的鸡眼”(to tread on sb's corns)喻指触到某人的痛处、犯了某人的忌讳、伤了某人的感情。
[运用]When you said the machine could be installed faster, you tread on Tom's corns. 当你说机器完全可以安装得快一些,你就触到了汤姆的痛处。
“Only, ”he added, “I'm glad I trod on Master Pew's corns.” 不过,他又补充说道:“我触到皮武先生的痛处,我还是很高兴。”
If we're doing things like that, we'll certainly tread on each other's corns. 倘若我们那样行事,一定会伤了彼此的感情。
He is very tactless and is always treading on other's corns. 他这个人说话很不注意,老是伤了人家的心。