鲨口脱险 In the Jaws of a Shark
Except for the seals bobbing their black beads in and out of the green Pacifc waters, brothers Eric and Nick Larsen seemed to have the ocean to themselves.
Dressed in wet suits, gloves on their hands, they straddled their rocking surfboards under a brilliant blue sky. There was a southerly fow to the ocean this cool Monday morning, July 1,1991.Four-foot waves were sweeping into a narrow, deserted beach, one of the many coves on the coastline north of Californias Monterey Bay.
Sometime after 8 a. m.,50-year-old Nick pointed his board toward the shore about 150 yards away.“Im going to the truck to warm up.”he said.
“Ill stay a little longer.”Eric called after him.
Until ten weeks earlier, Eric had been a software engineer for a Silicon Valley company writing programs for a fiber-optic datanetwork for the proposed NASA space station. But he found the pace too slow and wanted to be outdoors.
So when the company began laying off employee, the 32-year-old told management hed take a leave of absence.
At six-foot-one and 175 pounds, Eric was always in shape. Now he brought himself to peak fitness, running, swimming, bicycling, surfng and canoeing.
Awaiting the break of a good wave, Eric gazed seaward. Then he noticed a swirling turbulence close by. Theres something really big down there, he thought.
In that instant, he felt a powerful clamp on his left leg. Gaping in horror, he saw two wide rows of white, triangular teeth, bared to the gums, biting through fesh. Thigh to shin, his leg was caught in the jaws of a great white shark at least 15 feet long.
Pry them loose!In lightning-fast refex, Eric shot his gloved left hand to the top of the monsters snout, his right to the bottom. He pushed mightily against the jaws, while the shark tugged.
At that moment, the jaws opened, and Eric jerked his leg free. He kicked away from the hulking attacker, arms still out stretched. Too late, he tried to pull them in.
Lunging, tail thrashing, the shark sank its teeth deep into Erics left arm from elbow to wrist and crunched down on the bone of the right forearm. His hands, untouched, groped inside the huge cavity of the mouth.
Eric was afraid, but not terrifed. His engineer‘s mind focused on the jaw. Pulling and tugging desperately, he felt his right arm move against the teeth. A fierce pull, and he tore it out. Attack!Hit him!Bunching his right fst, he smashed the shark’s gray-white belly in a hammer blow. The hide felt fat, muscular, but the pressure came offhis left arm and he yanked it clear.
He was under the shark, away from its jaws. Then his body was jerked violently. The shark had snagged the six-foot nylon leash attaching Eric‘s right ankle to the surfboard. I’m all chewed up, he thought wildly, and now this.
For several seconds, he was towed through the water feet first at dizzying speed. Then, abruptly, he was foundering. The leash was broken, the shark nowhere in sight.
He kicked to the surface and gulped air. His surfboard was floating only a few feet away, and he swung himself aboard, belly down.
Over the wave crests Eric caught a glimpse of the shoreline and paddled for it. Relax, he coached himself. Its not over yet. Conserve your energy.
He settled into a rhythmic pace, but each stroke of his arms left a scarlet trail. Anxiously, he scanned the ocean for a dorsal fn. The shark was out there somewhere. To fnd him, it had only to follow the blood.
Eric wanted to go faster, but dared not. The harder he paddled, the faster his heart pounded and the more his blood lost. Halfway to shore, he looked behind, and his eyes fxed on a wave rushing at him. Head up, hands guiding, he caught its crest and rode it to shore. At least he cant get me here.
A woozy feeling came over him as he sat there and inspected the raw pulp of tissue under the shreds of his wet suit. Down his left leg and along his arms were wounds that gaped to the bone. From the deep laceration above the knee, he judged that the shark had mangled the muscle. Blood spurted from a cut in the crook of his left arm. The shark had severed an artery. He had escaped its jaws, but now he couldbleed to death in minutes.
He clamped the gash firmly with his right hand, and thrust the arm above his head. Blood must have been spouting out of the arm since the attack. Already the loss was making him faint.
If he passed out with his hand no longer sealing the wound, life would bleed out of him. Erics mind raced, ls this the end?
He had been in tight spots many times. Always he had pulled through. The key was emotional control, never to be so frightened that he could not think and act. Life‘s too good.l’m too young to die on this death.
He had to get around the headland where he could been seen. Clambering to his feet, arm still clenched, he staggered up the beach.“Suck it up, Eric,”he told himself aloud.“Hike!”
Eric understood what was happening to his body. While in graduate school in Montana he had spent two years as a ski-patrol volunteer and had earned a certificate in advanced frst aid. The skill had served him through nearly a dozen rescues.
After 50 yards, he slumped on his backside. He needed to put his legs up, get more blood to his vital organs, but there was no time. He rested 30 seconds and stumbled on.
Twice more he dropped to the sand in a half-faint, He felt the blood pulsing under his hand, ready to spout.“Get tough!”he commanded, tightening his grip.
Ahead,300 feet away, was a cluster of four beach houses. He stumbled toward them. Then he could go no further he had to sit down. Blood pooled in the sand around him.“Help me!”he cried.
In a small cottage at the edge of the beach,16-year-old Ben Burdette heard someone yelling. Stepping outside, he saw a man lying on the sand.“Help!”came a shout.“Ive been attacked by a shark. Call 911.”
Ben saw the mans upraised arms were covered in blood. Turning on his heeds, he sprinted for the house.
Inside, Bens mother, Michele, heard her son at the phone.“on the beach, bitten by a shark, looks pretty bad……”
She ran to the beach. The fgure sprawled there was still crying out. She gasped at the gore of his legs and arms. Kneeling at his side, she saw his lips were gray.“Im loosing it,”he said.“You have to stop the bleeding. My left arm. Theres a pressure point underneath, up near the armpit. Hold on tight.”
Michele sank her fngers into the main brachial artery of the arm.
Seconds later, Ben was on the scene with towels. Following Eric‘s instruction, he used them to elevate the wounded man’s feet. Then he raced off to flag down the rescue units. Michele avoided looking at Erics wounds and kept asking him questions to keep him awake.
In ten minutes or so, they were joined by a registered nurse, who was also captain of the volunteer rescue squad in nearby Davenport, a rescue team from the California Department of Forestry and Nick Larsen. He had been leaning against the truck, just a few hundred yards away, suspecting nothing.
“Its good to have you here.”said Eric as Nick gripped his hand.
The rescuers, soon reinforced by an ambulance crew, labored over Eric for nearly an hour. They gave him pure oxygen and began running fuid into his veins. Cutting away his wet suit, they bandaged his wounds and pulled rubberized, inflatable trousers on his legs to force blood to his upper body.
Rescuers were astonished he was still lucid after such massive blood loss. The first reading of his systolic blood pressure was a perilously low 50.But by the time an evacuation helicopter got to thebeach for the six-minute flight to Dominican Santa Cruz Hospital, Erics blood pressure was close to normal.
It plummeted again with the removal of the pressure pants in the emergency room at Dominican, then began to rise after infusions of red blood and more fuids. Doctors judged that he had lost nearly half the blood in his body.
In the operating room, one surgeon worked on Erics leg, another on his arms. The quadriceps leg muscle was severed, a piece of an arm muscle bitten out altogether. Both arms were laid open to the bone. The bone itself was scratched by the sharks serrated teeth.“Its like the bone was sawed with a bread knife,”commented one doctor.
A week later, he was home with splint on his leg and casts on both arms. Three weeks after that he was limping along the beach and reliving his adventure.“I think the shark was tasting me, hoping I was a seal.”he said.“Maybe he didn‘t like the taste of the rubbery wet suit and that’s why he let me go.”
例 He straddled before me, with a cigar in his hand.
例 He jerked a big fish out of water.
例 She was granted an examination certificate.
例 The teacher asked me to give a lucid explanation of my being late for class.
So when the company began laying off employee, the 32-year-old told management hed take a leave of absence.
take a leave of absence:休假
In a small cottage at the edge of the beach,16-year-old Ben Burdette heard someone yelling.
at the edge of:在……的边缘