Choosing an ESXi Image to deploy
The Offline Bundle presented to the Auto Deploy server, using the Add-ESXSoftwareDepot
command, may contain more than one image of ESXi. We need to identify the required image and select it for use.
How to do it…
The following steps will help you list all the available Image Profiles and assign them to different variables:
- Display all the images currently detected by the Auto Deploy server by issuing the following command:
- The Image Profile list generated by the
command can be assigned to a VMware PowerCLI array variable by issuing the following command:$imageprofile=Get-EsxImageProfile
- The array variable
now holds an array of ESXi Image Profile elements. Each of the elements in the array can be individually addressed using the array element number starting with zero(0).The following command will display array elements 0 and 1:
$imageprofile[0].name $imageprofile[1].name
From the output of the preceding command, we now know the names of the images available. Here they are:
- ESXi-5.1.0-799733-no-tools
- ESXi-5.1.0-799733-standard
How it works…
The variable created can hold array of image names. The VMware Auto Deploy PowerCLI cmdlets can use these variables to perform version operations.