About the Reviewers
Rory Standley is a senior web developer from Staffordshire in the UK, who builds enterprise apps for clients by day and works on fun stuff (http://www.rstandley.co.uk) for the rest of us in his spare time.
Rory started working with PhoneGap way back in version 1, creating an e-commerce application on iOS and Android, and has loved watching PhoneGap grow into what it has become today.
Eddy Verbruggen is the author of many PhoneGap plugins. Over the past few years, he created popular plugins such as SocialSharing, Calendar, and Toast. What started as an open source hobby resulted in him teaming up with Telerik with the goal to increase the quality of the Cordova plugin ecosystem. These days, Eddy is the maintainer of the Telerik Verified Plugins Marketplace at http://plugins.telerik.com.
In the recent past, Eddy worked on several PhoneGap apps. The most ambitious one was the online banking app of a medium-sized Dutch bank. With way over a million monthly sessions on three different platforms this app proofs PhoneGap can be a serious tool for creating apps with great performance and user experience.
When Eddy is not hacking Cordova or NativeScript plugins, he is working as a cofounder of Combidesk, a Dutch start-up that aims at making connecting cloud API's so easy your mom could do it.