Finally, the game can be made a bit more challenging by introducing an obstacle that the player must avoid. Touching the obstacle will end the game.
Create a new scene for the cactus and add the following nodes:
- Area2D (named Cactus)
- Sprite
- CollisionShape2D
Drag the cactus texture from the FileSystem dock to the Texture property of the Sprite. Add a RectangleShape2D to the collision shape and size it so that it covers the image. Remember when you added if area.is_in_group("obstacles") to the player script? Add the Cactus body to the obstacles group using the Node tab (next to Inspector).
Now, add a Cactus instance to the Main scene and move it to a location in the upper half of the screen (away from where the player spawns). Play the game and see what happens when you run into the cactus.
You may have spotted a problem: coins can spawn behind the cactus, making them impossible to pick up. When the coin is placed, it needs to move if it detects that it's overlapping the obstacle. Connect the coin's area_entered() signal and add the following:
func _on_Coin_area_entered( area ):
if area.is_in_group("obstacles"):
position = Vector2(rand_range(0, screensize.x), rand_range(0, screensize.y))
If you've added the preceding Powerup object, you'll need to do the same for its area_entered signal.