General advice
This section contains some general advice to readers, based on the author's experience as a teacher and lecturer. Keep these tips in mind as you work through the book, especially if you're very new to programming.
Try to follow the projects in the book in order. Later chapters may build on topics that were introduced in earlier chapters, where they are explained in more detail. When you encounter something that you don't remember, go back and review that topic in the earlier chapter. No one is timing you, and there's no prize for finishing the book quickly.
There is a lot of material to absorb here. Don't feel discouraged if you don't get it at first. The goal is not to become an expert in game development overnight—that's just not possible. Repetition is the key to learning complex topics; the more you work with Godot's features, the more familiar and easy they will start to seem. Try looking back at Chapter 2, Coin Dash, when you finish Chapter 7, Additional Topics. You'll be surprised at how much more you'll understand compared to the first time you read it.
If you're using the PDF version of this book, resist the temptation to copy and paste the code. Typing the code yourself will engage more of your brain. It's similar to how taking notes during a lecture helps you learn better than just listening, even if you never read the notes. If you're a slow typist, it will also help you work on your typing speed. In a nutshell: you're a programmer, so get used to typing code!
One of the biggest mistakes that new game developers make is taking on a bigger project than they can handle. It is very important to keep the scope of your project as small as possible when starting out. You will be much more successful (and learn more) if you finish two or three small games than if you have a large, incomplete project that has grown beyond your ability to manage.
You'll notice that the five games in this book follow this strategy very strictly. They are all small in scope, both for practical reasons—to fit reasonably into book-sized lessons—but also to remain focused on teaching you the basics. As you build them, you will likely find yourself thinking of additional features and gameplay elements right away. What if the spaceship had upgrades? What if the character could do wall jumps?
Ideas are great, but if you haven't finished the basic project yet, write them down and save them for later. Don't let yourself be sidetracked by one cool idea after another. Developers call this feature creep, and it's a trap that has led to many an unfinished game. Don't fall victim to it.
Finally, don't forget to take a break now and again. You shouldn't try and power through the whole book in just a few sittings. After each new concept, and especially after each chapter, give yourself time to absorb the new information before you pe into the next one. You'll find that you not only retain more information, but you'll probably enjoy the process more.