What this book covers
Chapter 1, Working with Hyperledger Fabric, concentrates on the fundamental Fabric architecture and components. The recipes cover installation, building a Fabric network, adding an org to a channel, integrating with CouchDB, and writing your first Fabric application.
Chapter 2, Implementing Hyperledger Fabric, is dedicated to building a simple device asset management DApp. The example covers recipes designed to show how to design and write a chaincode smart contract, compile and deploy Fabric chaincode, run and test the smart contract, develop a DApp, and interact with Hyperledger Fabric chaincode through the client SDK API.
Chapter 3, Modeling a Business Network Using Hyperledger Composer, contains recipes designed to show how to use the Composer tool to rapidly develop use cases, build blockchain business networks using the Composer model language, deploy, test and export BNA using the Composer CLI tool, and interact with Composer through the SDK.
Chapter 4, Integrating Hyperledger Fabric with Explorer, this includes installing, setting up, and configuring Hyperledger Explorer, integrating with the Hyperledger framework, and running the Hyperledger Explorer application.
Chapter 5, Working with Hyperledger Sawtooth, includes recipes for installing, deploying, and running DApps with Hyperledger Sawtooth. With the help of Hyperledger Sawtooth's modular architecture, distributed ledger, distributed data storage, and decentralized consensus, several examples demonstrate how to build a transaction processor, design a namespace and address, grant permission on the Sawtooth network, and develop client applications with the Sawtooth RestAPI and SDK.
Chapter 6, Operating an Ethereum Smart Contract with Hyperledger Burrow, contains recipes about how to write smart contracts with Solidity, deploy and interact with Ethereum smart contracts on Burrow, invoke smart contracts with Seth CLI and RPC, and create externally owned accounts on Seth. This chapter also covers the permissioning of Ethereum EOA and contract accounts on Seth.
Chapter 7, Working with Hyperledger Iroha, covers several recipes associated with working with Hyperledger Iroha, including installing and configuring Hyperledger Iroha, and interacting with Hyperledger Iroha using the client library. This chapter also provides an example demonstrating how to use Iroha CLI to create a cryptocurrency.
Chapter 8, Exploring the CLI with Hyperledger Indy, covers the installation of Hyperledger Indy and the exploration of Indy CLI with Hyperledger Indy.
Chapter 9, Hyperledger Blockchain Scalability and Security, contains recipes about how to measure Hyperledger blockchain performance using the Hyperledger Caliper tool, how to design and implement highly scalable Hyperledger blockchain, and how to build a secure Hyperledger consortium network with Fabric CA.
Appendix, Hyperledger Blockchain Ecosystem, mainly targets those individuals who are relatively new to distributed ledger technology and permissioned blockchains. It covers Hyperledger blockchain concepts, the important technical design methodology of the Hyperledger ecosystem, and explores when to apply these technologies through real-world use cases.