摘要:自20世纪80年代中期以来,利川市经历了大规模开发式扶贫、八七扶贫攻坚、新时期扶贫开发、精准扶贫四个发展阶段。党的十八大以来,利川市委、市政府围绕“六个精准”“五个一批”,坚持目标导向,聚焦贫困问题,建立精准扶贫工作体系与机制,出台了一系列精准扶贫、精准脱贫的指导政策,推出了完善基础设施、发展特色产业、做强民宿旅游新经济、探索电商扶贫方式、促进贫困人口就业、以金融扶贫“贷”动脱贫、夯实教育扶贫根基、提升医疗服务保健康、生态保护与扶贫开发相结合、易地扶贫搬迁谋幸福、社会保障兜底与扶贫开发有效衔接等举措,成效显著。2014—2019年,利川市累计减贫219119人,141个贫困村全部出列,贫困发生率从2013年年底的27.4 %下降至2019年年底的0.25 %。2020年4月,在经过县市自查、州级初审、省级第三方评估检查后,湖北省人民政府公示公告利川市退出贫困县序列,利川市脱贫攻坚阶段性目标如期完成。坚持党的领导,压实脱贫攻坚责任,强化扶贫领域作风建设,加大扶贫资金投入支持力度,坚持扶贫先扶志与扶智,因地制宜兴产业,壮大村级集体经济,构筑“三位一体”全社会合力扶贫大格局,是利川市精准扶贫、精准脱贫的宝贵经验。在脱贫攻坚由非常态“攻坚战”进入常态“持久战”之时,利川市正在继续探索“后2020年升级版”的可持续减贫之路。
Abstract: Since the mid-1980s, Lichuan county has experienced four development stages, including “large-scale development-oriented poverty alleviation”“the Seven-Year Priority Poverty Alleviation Program”“poverty alleviation development in the new era”and “targeted poverty alleviation”, in order to explore the path of rapid economic and social development, and the improvement of people?s wellbeing.Focusing on the “six precision”and “five batches”oriented approach in order to eliminate poverty, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Lichuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have established systems and mechanisms for targeted poverty alleviation, issued a series of guidelines for targeted poverty alleviation and targeted poverty reduction.Comprehensive measures have been conducted with successful achievements, including improving infrastructure, developing special entity industries, strengthening the new economic growth point of home-stay tourism, exploring the e-commerce poverty alleviation model, tackling unemployment, using financial loans to improve financial stability, preventing poverty through education, improving medical services to protect health, combining ecological protection measures with poverty alleviation and development, relocating people in poverty to a good location to seek happiness, as well as providing basic social security for extremely poor people.From 2014 to 2019, a total of 219, 119 people in Lichuan county were no longer living in destitution, with all 141 previously poverty-stricken villages no longer being classified as poor.The incidence of poverty decreased from 27.4% at the end of 2013 to 0.25% at the end of 2019.In April 2020, after internal examination at county level, preliminary examination at state level and third-party assessment at provincial level, with the announcement of the People?s Government of Hubei Province to withdraw Lichuan from the list of poverty-stricken counties, the goal of tackling poverty in Lichuan county has been completed as scheduled.Adhering to the leadership of Chinese Communist Party, consolidating responsibilities, strengthening the construction of work style, increasing investment and support of poverty alleviation funds, sticking to the project initiative and wisdom, promoting the industry according to local conditions, strengthening the village-level collective economy, and building a “trinity”pattern of joint society poverty alleviation are valuable experiences that have been gained through Lichuan?s targeted poverty alleviation and reduction project.While poverty alleviation has been transformed from an extraordinarily “tough battle”into a normal “protracted war”, Lichuan county continues to explore the road to sustainability of the “post-2020 upgraded version”.
Key Words: Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Policy System, Lichuan County, Professional Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation in the Field, Social Poverty Alleviation Experience Sharing