About the Reviewers
Alec Mitchell is a Plone core developer and has been an active member of the Plone community since 2004. He was the release manager for Plone 2.5, a member of both the inaugural Plone 2.5 Framework Team, and the Plone 4.0 Framework Team. He is the co-maintainer of the Plone core content types (ATContentTypes), as well as the maintainer of Plone's default versioning system (CMFEditions) and a few popular add-on products for Plone.
Alec is an independent consultant based in Los Angeles, California. He specializes in Python, Zope and Plone development, high-performance website deployment and optimizations, and integration with web services. He has helped small and large organizations around the world to get the most from their content management systems.
Emanuel Sartor is an IT professional who has been involved in open source software since 1999. He is the cofounder and CTO at Menttes, an Argentinean company that provides custom Python, Plone and Zope based solutions.
As an active participant in the Open Source community, Emanuel has contributed many add-on products for Plone. He has conducted multiple talks and trainings at conferences such as The Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre and PyConAr. He also cofounded Plone Cono Sur, a regional Plone users group that continues to educate others about Plone.
A Laura, Julieta y Sofía
A Mercedes, Clara, Magui y Rosario