Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation 4.0 Cookbook for Developing SOA Applications

About the Reviewers

Frank Xu Lei is the Microsoft MVP of Connected System Developer. He is also the moderator of Microsoft's Chinese WCF Forum. He has translated the book Inside Windows Communication Foundation into Chinese.

He always focuses on Distributed Applications Development and EAI, based on .NET. Besides this, he is also a fan of NBA and sometimes, he goes to KTV with his friends. You can visit his blog at

Dong Qi is an experienced .NET developer and has four years experience in .NET development. He worked at Microsoft as a development support engineer in the MSDN team. He now works at the Agree company as a .NET developer for Agree's frontend finance products. Agree is a leading financial consulting, software, and service provider company in China. He has written on .NET debugging and .NET security.

Kris van der Mast, an active and dedicated moderator at the official ASP.NET forums, is a Microsoft MVP and ASP Insider. He's a well-known community member of several Belgian user groups. Kris is also a speaker for user groups in Belgium and abroad. You can find his blog at

Kris currently works for Ordina Belgium, a consultancy company, as a senior .NET developer and architect. He also provides courses to clients in his specialization and technical interest—web technologies.