1. 名词(Noun)的种类
A room without pictures is like a room without windows. 没有画的房间就好像没有窗的房间一样。(句中黑体字都是共同名词。)
The Victory was the flagship of Nelson. 胜利号是纳尔逊的旗舰。(句中黑体字都是固有名词。)
Gold is a precious metal. 黄金是一种贵金属。(句中的黑体字是物质名词。)
He has a large family to support. 他有一个大家庭要赡养。(句中的黑体字是集合名词。)
Industry is essential to success. 勤励是成功所不可缺少的。(句中的黑体字都是抽象名词。)
2. 名词的数(Number)
名词有单数(Singular Number)和复数(Plural Number)两种。在上举五大类名词中,只有共同名词才能变成复数。集合名词形单义复,如再加成复数,就和共同名词的用法无异。其他三种名词变成复数时,也同样地要变成共同名词。
复数的做法一般是在单数名词上加一个 s 或 es,但也有加 en 等,或以变更元音来表示的。
3. 名词的性(Gender)
名词分男性(Masculine Gender)、女性(Feminine Gender)、通性(Common Gender)和中性(Neuter Gender)四种不同的性别。
4. 名词的格(Case)
名词的格有主格(Nominative Case)、宾格(Objective Case)及所有格(Possessive Case)三种。
That man has a dog. 那人有一只狗。(主格)
I know that man. 我认识那人。(宾格)
This is that man’s dog. 这便是那人的狗。(所有格)
“属性”可用于①所有者,如 my brother’s hat;②著者,或发明发现者,如 Dickens’ novels、Marconi’s wireless telegraph;③目的物,如 a girls’high school、a children’s hospital;④行为者,如 father’s death、brother’s speech;⑤接受行为者,如 Julius Caesar’s assassination、“No one came to my father’s rescue.”。
5. 冠词(Article)
冠词分定冠词(Definite Article)和不定冠词(Indefinite Article)两种。不定冠词是 a 和 an,定冠词是 the。
①用于 one 的意义时:He came here a week ago.
②用于 a certain 的意义时:A Mr. Lee came to see you.
③用于 any 的意义时:A horse is a useful animal.
④用于 per 的意义时:The postman calls twice a day.
⑤用于 the same 的意义时:Birds of a feather flock together.
⑥用于固有名词前有“像……那样的人或地”的意义时:A Newton cannot become a Shakespeare at will.(a Newton = a great scientist like Newton;a Shakespeare = a great dramatist like Shakespeare)
在辅音前用 a,在元音前用 an,但以发音为准,如 an hour、a useful thing、a one-eyed man、an M. P.。
①再提到前所说过的名词时:I met a gentleman and a girl in the park. I thought the gentleman must be the father of the girl.
②虽为第一次出现的名词,但所指的东西很明显时:Shut the door please. He is the principal of our school.
③在代表某一种类的名词前:The horse is a useful animal.
④由于修饰语而得确定那名词何所指时:I remember the time we first met.
⑤在独一无二的东西前:The earth moves round the sun.
⑥加在普通名词前造成抽象名词:The pen(= the power of a pen)is mightier than the sword(= the power of a sword).
⑦在如下的短语中:in the morning、in the sun、in the right、in the country、by the hour、by the pound、etc
⑧在特殊的固有名词前:the Thames、the Pacific、the Empress of Japan(江河、海洋、舰艇);the University of Taiwan、the Foreign Office、the Grand Hotel(公共建筑物);the Times、the Pacific English Fortnightly、the Year Book(书报杂志);the Alps、the Philippines(山脉、群岛);the United States of America(复数国名);the Americans(复数国民);the Browns(复数家族)