Preface Ⅲ
The world is entering a new era of uncertainty.The optimistic outlook for inclusive and high-quality growth coincides with the pessimistic predictions of many catastrophic conflicts.China's Belt and Road Initiative is one of the most profound developments that have changed the global geopolitical and economic landscape.Like the dramatic changes in history, it is understandable that the international responses are diverse.This is especially true for the United States — the superpower that shaped the international order after World War II.Many business elites of Wall Street and multinational companies believe that the Belt and Road provides an important economic opportunity for the world while some policy makers and opinion leaders in Washington often regard this as the performance of the “China threat theory.”For the world, more international dialogues and broader global perspectives are greatly needed to understand the concept and operation of the Belt and Road accurately and comprehensively.Through in-depth dialogues with ambassadors and global leaders, Sun Chao's The Ambassadors’ Views on the Belt and Road Initiative is a masterpiece to enhance international communication and to avoid misjudgment.Readers from China and overseas can benefit a lot.
Li Cheng
Director and Senior Fellow of the John L.Thornton
China Center, the Brookings Institution