16.1 There are no fixed rules prescribing the activities in which a practising Advocate may or may not engage outside his practice as an Advocate, except that he cannot be a solicitor or be in partnership with or employed by a solicitor or other professional person entitled to instruct Counsel directly on behalf of clients in Scotland or elsewhere.
16.2 In considering whether it is proper for him to engage in any particular activity outside his practice, an Advocate should have in mind:-
(a)the cardinal principles stated in Section 2 above; And
(b)the extent to which any duties which may be inherent in, or flow from, the activity in question are compatible with the rights and duties of an Advocate.
If he is any doubt, he should follow the procedure set out in section 7.
16.3 The Dean may, at any time, require an Advocate to cease to engage in a particular activity which in his opinion is incompatible with the rights or duties of an Advocate or, alternatively, to cease to hold himself out as a practising Advocate.