Word List 1
ability [ə'bɪlətɪ]
【释】 n.能力
【例】 But what I wanna talk about now is a special ability some fish have.
【衍】 able adj.有能力的
【近】 capacity
abiotic [ˌebaɪ'ɑtɪk]
【释】 adj.非生物的
【例】 Biotic and abiotic factors cause continual changes in the number of individuals that make up a population of organisms.
【衍】 abiochemistry n.无机化学
【近】 dead, nonliving
abruptly [ə'brʌptlɪ]
【释】 adv.突然地
【例】 To create contrast, color contrast, you need to abruptly change your color scheme once in a while.
【衍】 abruptness n.突然;唐突
【近】 suddenly
absence ['æbsns]
【释】 n.缺乏
【例】 So product reliability means, basically, the absence of defects or problems that you weren't expecting.
【衍】 absent adj.不在场的;心不在焉的
【近】 shortage
absorb [əb'zɔrb]
【释】 v.吸收
【例】 So the frogs are able to absorb and store moisture during wet rainy times which they can rely on to get through dry periods.
【衍】 absorption n.吸收;全神贯注
【近】 attract, engage
accessible [ək'sɛsəbl]
【释】 adj.平易近人的
【例】 But then they became much more accessible.
【衍】 accessibility n.易接近
【近】 accostable
accessory [ək'sɛsərɪ]
【释】 n.配件
【例】 Now how does this company make profits with its low-priced computers? Well, one thing that's often done is to encourage their customers to buy accessories also manufactured by them, like printers or software.
【衍】 accessorial adj.附属的;额外的
【近】 attachment
accommodate [ə'kɑməˌdet]
【释】 v.容纳
【例】 If the building were open more hours, though, it would be easier to accommodate the large number of students who want to reserve rooms.
【衍】 accommodation n.住处;调节
【近】 adapt, contain
account [ə'kaunt]
【释1】 n.账户
【例】 People mentally store some money in one account to be saved, while they imagine other money being stored in another account from which money can be taken and freely spent.
【衍】 accountant n.会计 accountable adj.有责任的
【释2】 n.考虑
【例】 People take each other into account in their daily behavior and in fact, the very presence of others can affect behavior.
accurate ['ækjərət]
【释】 adj.准确的
【例】 One objective of any experiment is, of course, to obtain accurate results.
【衍】 accurately adv.精确地
【近】 precise
accustom [ə'kʌstəm]
【释】 v.使……习惯
【例】 At first, people are not accustomed to the new technology and may not understand it; they may therefore have a negative attitude toward it.
【衍】 accustomization n.适应 accustomed adj.习惯的
【近】 habituate
achieve [ə'tʃiv]
【释】 v.实现
【例】 Insect swarms are able to accomplish tasks that individual
insects would not be able to achieve.
【衍】 achievement n.成就
【近】 accomplish
acquire [ə'kwaɪr]
【释】 v.获得
【例】 They could acquire silk.
【衍】 acquirement n.取得;成就
【近】 earn
acupuncture ['ækjupʌŋktʃɚ]
【释】 n.针灸
【例】 For instance, many people in the US have accepted the practice of acupuncture.
【衍】 acupuncturist n.针灸医生
【近】 needling, pinprick
acute [ə'kjut]
【释】 adj.敏锐的
【例】 Another important adaptation of many sea birds is an acute, highly developed sense of smell.
【衍】 acutely adv.尖锐地;剧烈地
【近】 pointed, sharp
adaptation [ˌædæp'teʃən]
【释】 n.适应
【例】 Another helpful adaptation in some deep-sea organisms is the ability to generate light.
【衍】 adapt v.适应;改编 adaptive adj.适应的;适合的
【近】 orientation
additional [ə'dɪʃənl]
【释】 adj.额外的
【例】 The university has announced that it will charge a small additional fee for these dinners in order to pay for the special gourmet food ingredients that will be required.
【衍】 addition n.添加 additive adj.附加的 n.添加剂
【近】 attached, added
administrator [əd'mɪnɪstretɚ]
【释】 n.管理员
【例】 When asked to explain the decline in enrollments, the administrator pointed to the fact that most evening classes are taught by teaching assistants, who are usually graduate students.
【衍】 administrate v.管理;经营 administration n.管理
【近】 supervisor, conductor
admission [əd'mɪʃən]
【释】 n.入学
【例】 The staff of the admissions office no longer have time to lead the campus tours.
【衍】 admissible adj.可容许的;可采纳的
admit [əd'mɪt]
【释】 v.承认
【例】 She just came right out and admitted to the audience that they cost a lot more than most other companies pots and pans.
【衍】 admittance n.进入;通道
【近】 accept, recognize
adult [ə'dʌlt]
【释】 adj.成年的
【例】 For example, adult ants normally like to eat things that are rich in sugar.
【衍】 adulthood n.成年(期)
【近】 grown, mature
aerial ['ɛrɪəl]
【释】 adj.空中的
【例】 Attached to the tree, sometimes 30 or 40 meters high, these aerial plants have access to sunlight but not to nutrients from the soil below.
【衍】 aeriality n.空虚 aeration n.通风
affordable [ə'fɔrdəbl]
【释】 adj.实惠的
【例】 So what did they do? Well, they offered a computer at an affordable price, lower than existing brands.
【衍】 afford v.给予;提供;买得起
【近】 inexpensive
agenda [ə'dʒɛndə]
【释】 n.议程
【例】 Someone sets an agenda in advance, emails it to everyone before the meeting and then makes sure when you meet that you stay focused on your goals.
agonistic [ˌægə'nɪstɪk]
【释】 adj.格斗的
【例】 To resolve these conflicts, two animals of the same species may engage in agonistic behavior.
【衍】 agonist n.激动剂;兴奋剂
【近】 aggressive, battlesome
ailment ['elmənt]
【释】 n.小病
【例】 The situation at the health center is unacceptable: you sit in a crowded waiting room for hours waiting to get treatment for minor ailments.
【衍】 ail v.生病;使困扰 n.病痛 ailing adj.生病的
altitude ['æltəˌtud]
【释】 n.高度
【例】 On the other hand, if the bird carried the shellfish up to a higher altitude, an altitude higher than is necessary to crack the shell, it'd be wasting energy.
【近】 height
alumni [ə'lʌmnaɪ]
【释】 n.校友
【例】 It's true that we do have a lot of very generous alumni.
【衍】 alumnus n.男校友 alumna n.女校友
ancient ['enʃənt]
【释】 adj.古代的
【例】 So, most cities of the ancient world tended to be small, often limited to the banks of a river.
【近】 old
announcement [ə'naunsmənt]
【释】 n.公告
【例】 But maybe you could ask the French department to portthe announcement on its website.
【衍】 announce v.宣布;播报 announcer n.广播员
【近】 declaration
anonymous [ə'nɑnəməs]
【释】 adj.匿名的
【例】 You didn't know? An anonymous donor is paying the bill for most of the sculpture.
【衍】 anonymization n.匿名化
【近】 faceless, innominate
anthropology [ˌænθrə'pɑlədʒɪ]
【释】 n.人类学
【例】 Well, you know how I'm president of the anthropology club... well... I'm supposed to drive everyone in the club to see a special exhibit at the museum tomorrow.
【衍】 anthropologist n.人类学家 anthropologic adj.人类学的
【近】 humanics
anxious ['æŋkʃəs]
【释】 adj.焦虑的
【例】 This constant state of dependency can make kids feel uneasy and anxious.
【衍】 anxiety n.焦虑;渴望 anxiously adv.不安地
appeal [ə'pil]
【释】 v.吸引
【例】 So, let's talk about a couple of ways product containerscan be designed to appeal to consumers.
【衍】 appealing adj.吸引人的
【近】 attract
appearance [ə'pɪrəns]
【释】 n.外观
【例】 Another important design goal is to give the container a pleasing appearance so that consumers will feel comfortable displaying it in their homes.
【衍】 appear v.出现;显得
appliance [ə'plaɪəns]
【释】 n.电器用具
【例】 Change the floors and add new cupboards or appliances.
appreciate [ə'priʃɪet]
【释】 v.欣赏
【例】 You won't be able to appreciate the artwork or get a good look at anything with so much going on, with so many people moving around.
【衍】 appreciation n.欣赏
【近】 enjoy
approach [ə'protʃ]
【释】 n.方法
【例】 One approach, or strategy, sets the initial price of the product high followed by a lower price at a later stage.
【衍】 approachable adj.亲近的
【近】 method, way
appropriate [ə'proprɪət]
【释】 adj.合适的
【例】 Well, I don't think it's appropriate to use class time for that kind of thing.
【衍】 appropriately adv.适当地
【近】 suitable, proper
aptly ['æptlI]
【释】 adv.适当地
【例】 The aptly named water-holding frog, for example, has a bladder that is highly elastic and stretchable.
【衍】 apt adj.恰当的
【近】 properly
aqueduct ['ækwɪˌdʌkt]
【释】 n.渡槽
【例】 They built structures called aqueducts.
【衍】 aqueous adj.水的
【近】 conduit
archaeologist [ˌɑrkɪ'ɑlədʒɪst]
【释】 n.考古学家
【例】 For example, in the deserts of Egypt, archaeologists have found tombs more than two thousand years old.
【衍】 archaeology n.考古学
architecture ['ɑrkəˌtɛktʃɚ]
【释】 n.建筑风格
【例】 But, I really fell in love with the architecture of the house, the unusual way it was designed and built, so I convinced my wife that we could hire people to fix it up and make the house nice.
【衍】 architectural adj.建筑学的
arid ['ærɪd]
【释】 adj.干旱的
【例】 And artifacts don't decay as fast in arid climates.
【衍】 aridity n.干旱;乏味
arithmetic [ə'rɪθmətɪk]
【释】 n.算术
【例】 They say there's evidence that babies as young as five months old can do basic arithmetic—they can add.
【衍】 arithmetical adj.算术的
【近】 algorithm
arouse [ə'rauz]
【释】 v.唤起
【例】 Artists use these visual effects and the senses they arouse to give meaning to their work.
【衍】 arousing adj.振奋人心的
【近】 cause
artifact ['ɑrtɪˌfækt]
【释】 n.文物
【例】 But why are some artifacts preserved well enough to last for thousands of years?
【衍】 artifactitious adj.人工制品的
【近】 artefact
aside [ə'saɪd]
【释】 adv.在旁边
【例】 Someone was working away at a point, then had to stop, and put it aside in one of these caches to work on later.
【近】 alongside
assemble [ə'sɛmbl]
【释】 v.集合
【例】 What they did was they assembled a group of subjects, a group of students, and they showed these students a series of geometrical shapes.
【衍】 assembling adj.装配的;组合的 n.装配
【近】 aggregate
assistant [ə'sɪstənt]
【释】 n.助手
【例】 I worked as a research assistant in a laboratory.
【衍】 assistance n.援助 assist v.帮助 n.帮助
【近】 helper
assortment [ə'sɔrtmənt]
【释】 n.种类
【例】 Instead, students will be offered a wide assortment of cold breakfast items in the morning.
【衍】 assort v.协调;把……分成一类 assorted adj.各种各样的
【近】 classification, category
assume [ə'sum]
【释】 v.假设
【例】 So, when we look at lakes, they seem to be permanent. We assume they'll be around forever.
【衍】 assumed adj.假定的 assumption n.设想assuming adj.傲慢的
【近】 presume
attempt [ə'tɛmpt]
【释】 v.试图
【例】 Individual members of a group attempt to conform their opinions to what they believe to be the group consensus even though the result may be negative.
【衍】 attempted adj.企图的
【近】 undertake
attribute ['ætrəˌbjut]
【释】 v.把……归于
【例】 Having little understanding of natural causes, it attributes both desirable and undesirable occurrences to supernatural or magical forces, and it searches for means to win the favor of these forces.
【衍】 at tributive adj.定语的;归属的 attribution n.归因;属性
audit ['ɔdɪt]
【释】 v.审核
【例】 Many universities allow students to audit classes.
【衍】 auditorial adj.查账的
auditorium [ˌɔdɪ'tɔrɪəm]
【释】 n.礼堂
【例】 They're gonna be performing in the auditorium next Saturday.
【衍】 auditory adj.听觉的
automatically [ˌɔtə'mætɪklɪ]
【释】 adv.自动地
【例】 These procedural memories allow people to perform the action automatically and to recall it relatively easily many years later.
【衍】 automatic adj.自动的 automate v.使自动化
【近】 voluntarily
bacteria [bæk'tɪrɪə]
【释】 n.细菌(复数)
【例】 Bacteria, like all living things, depend on oxygen to grow.
【衍】 bacterial adj.细菌的 bacterium n.细菌(单数)
【近】 microbe
bake [bek]
【释】 v.烘焙
【例】 Margarine is butter's substitute and you can bake equally
well with either.
【衍】 bakery n.面包店 baker n.面包师
barely ['bɛrlɪ]
【释】 adv.几乎不
【例】 Yeah, I barely even knew how to do those things when I
first came here.
【衍】 bare adj.空的;赤裸的 v.露出
【近】 hardly
barrier ['bærɪɚ]
【释】 n.屏障
【例】 The covering acts like a barrier that locks in moisture.
【近】 block
base [bes]
【释】 n.基础
【例】 For example, a company that sells skis might have a large customer base that enjoys winter sports like skiing down snowy mountains.
【衍】 basis n.基础的 basic adj.基础的
【近】 basis
beak [bik]
【释】 n.鸟嘴
【例】 A hummingbird comes around and sticks its beak into the flowers to get the nectar out.
【衍】 beaked adj.有喙的 beakless adj.无喙的
bean [bin]
【释】 n.豆
【例】 Say, bean plants.
beetle ['bitl]
【释】 n.甲壳虫
【例】 For example, some trees in the forest are poisonous to beetles.
behavior [bɪ'hevjɚ]
【释】 n.行为
【例】 Our thinking and behavior are often influenced by other people.
【衍】 behave v.表现 behavioral adj.行为的
belief [bɪ'lif]
【释】 n.信仰
【例】 Cultures tend to resist ideas that seem to foreign, too different from their own beliefs and values.
【衍】 believe相信
【近】 faith
beneath [bɪ'niθ]
【释】 prep.在……之下
【例】 For example, in the Sahara Desert, in Africa, there's a type of lizard that's able to move beneath the surface, through the sand, very quickly.
【近】 under
benefit ['bɛnɪfɪt]
【释】 v.受益于
【例】 Some animals, though, actually benefit from forest fires.
【衍】 beneficial adj.有益的
【近】 profit
beverage ['bɛvərɪdʒ]
【释】 n.饮料
【例】 Also, if food were allowed in classroom, it would be possible for us to have in-class parties on the last day of class—with snack foods and beverages—to celebrate the end of each semester.
【近】 drink
bias ['baɪəs]
【释】 n.偏差
【例】 This tendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias.
【衍】 biased adj.有偏见的
bill [bɪl]
【释】 n.账单
【例】 I don't want to get stuck with having to pay for most of the bill.
【衍】 billing n.广告;记账;开发票
biotic [baɪ'ɑtɪk]
【释】 adj.生物的
【例】 The number of humans, animals, insects, or plants living in a given area can vary because of two kinds of factors: biotic and abiotic.
【衍】 biotechnology n.生物技术
【近】 biological
bite [baɪt]
【释】 v.咬
【例】 A long long time ago, a dog sensing danger would get ready to bite whatever animal that was threatening it.
【衍】 biting adj.刺痛的
bladder ['blædɚ]
【释】 n.膀胱
【例】 When it does rain, the frog absorbs water through its skin and its bladder stretches to hold this extra water.
blend [blɛnd]
【释】 v.融合
【例】 This camouflage helps to disguise them from predators by enabling them to blend into, uh, a specific part of the sea.
【衍】 blended adj.混杂的
【近】 compound
board [bɔrd]
【释】 n.木板
【例】 An important additional feature of the lounge will be a bulletin board on the wall for posting and sharing information that may be especially useful to commuter students and their particular needs.
【衍】 boarding adj.供膳的 n.上船;木板
booklet ['buklɪt]
【释】 n.小册子
【例】 And I'm sure that booklet was mailed to lots of other people who also rent.
【近】 pamphlet
boring ['bɔrɪŋ]
【释】 adj.无聊的
【例】 I myself have taken these three-hour seminars and found them tiring and sometimes boring.
【衍】 bore v.使无聊 bored adj.感到无聊的
bowl [bol]
【释】 n.碗
【例】 It got its name because of the formation of its leaves creates a kind of urn or bowl where it can store water.
【衍】 bowling n.保龄球
branch [bræntʃ]
【释】 n.树枝
【例】 So, for instance, let's say a large number of ants are walking on a tree toward some food on a branch.
【衍】 branching adj.分支的 branchless adj.无枝的
bread [brɛd]
【释】 n.面包
【例】 So, for example, say a man who baked bread wanted a new coat.
bridge [brɪdʒ]
【释】 n.桥梁
【例】 Then, one after another, other ants do the same thing until enough ants connect together to form a bridge between the two branches.
briefcase ['brifkes]
【释】 n.公文包
【例】 So back to our biology lecture, you start talking about frogs and then you pull a live frog out of your briefcase.
【近】 portfolio
briefly ['briflɪ]
【释】 adv.简要地
【例】 Briefly summarize the problem, then state which solution you recommend and explain why.
【衍】 brief adj.简短的
broadcast ['brɔdkæst]
【释】 v.播放
【例】 She needs people to watch various new TV programs that haven't been broadcast yet.
【衍】 broadcaster n.广播公司;广播员
brochure [bro'ʃur]
【释】 n.小册子
【例】 They made little books with information about the macaw, with pictures, full colored pictures of the macaw that showed off its beautiful feathers, and they passed out these little books, these informational brochures.
budget ['bʌdʒɪt]
【释】 n.预算
【例】 So I don't think it's going to put any strain on the university's budget.
【衍】 budgetary adj.预算的
bulletin ['bulətən]
【释】 n.公告
【例】 He added that posters can instead be displayed in the dining hall. Students can use the bulletin board in the dining hall for posters, so the policy change should not be a problem.
【近】 announcement
bump [bʌmp]
【释】 v.碰
【例】 Tina, I'm so glad I bump into you.
【衍】 bumpy adj.颠簸的