Ⅲ. Choose the proper words or expressions from the list below and fill in the blanks.
prosecutor accused voluntary manslaughter premeditation justification involuntary manslaughter defense inchoate crime excuse homicide
The person who represents the state in criminal case is called the ____1____ .The person who is accused of wrongdoing in a criminal case and is being tried is called the ____2____ .
____3____ includes killing someone with____ 4 ____and during commission of a felony. ____5____ is a homicide which would otherwise be murder but was committed in response to adequate provocation. ____6 ____is an unintended killing which is the result of criminal negligence or caused during the commission of an unlawful act which is not a felony.
A ____7____ negates the wrongfulness associated with the commission of a criminal offense and an ____8____ negates the actor's blame worthiness for committing the offense. In a common law country, both of these reasons for denying criminal liability, are referred to generally as ____9____ .An offense which is never completed is called an ____10____ .