【摘要】 中国从20世纪70年代末开始住房市场化改革,在短短三十年内,从国家实物提供为主的普惠型福利制度转变为市场提供为主的剩余型福利制度。但是2007年以来政府加大住房保障力度的诸种举措,使不少学者认为,中国的住房制度发生了从剩余化模式(residual model)向大众化模式(mass model)方向的转变。本文对“十二五”时期最重要的一项保障房政策,即开工建设3600万套保障房(简称“3600万套”)的出台背景及实施情况进行了分析。该政策首先被作为抑制房价过快增长的手段出台,并且在执行过程中,其主体形式被置换为包含级差地租收益的棚改,然后又千方百计地为去库存服务。这些都显示,经济仍然在民生之先。“双重运动”下的和谐社会建设的努力未能抵御商品化/剩余化的强势逻辑。结果,中国仍然是剩余型福利制度,社会住房模式也未更加大众化。
【关键词】 保障房 “3600万套” 大众化模式 剩余化模式 福利制度
Abstract Within a short span of 30 years, China's housing market reform, which started from the late 1970s, has successfully turned housing provision in China from a state-based universal benefits system to a market-based residual welfare system. However, since 2007,with various low-income housing polices initiated and massive scale of public housing provision planned, scholars tend to believe that housing provision in China is moving from a more residualized model towards a mass model. This paper therefore examines the “36 million units” policy(i.e. the construction of 36 million units of public housing during 2011—2015, a major affordable housing policy of the 12th Five-year plan). It has found that “36 million units” policy was proposed not as a pure welfare measure, but instead as a means to curb excessive housing prices growth. During its implementation, shantytown renovation, which involves land value recapture, has replaced public rental housing to become the main body of “36 million units”. By the end of the 12th Five-year, the policy started to make its way for helping consume the unsold commodity housing stock. All these evidences show, that in China, economic priority is still over people's livelihood. This is largely because the central government continued to fluctuate between economy objectives and social-politics goals, and the local government, under various restraints, is still lacking the commitment to provide affordable housing. The so-called “harmonious society” ideal under “double movement” therefore failed to offset the imperative of commodification/residualizing for surplus extraction. In the end, housing provision in China is still residualized, in terms of its welfare provision model as well as its social housing model.
Key words Social Housing, Affordable Housing, “36 Million Units”,Mass Model, Residual Model,Welfare System