R.B.Mitchell, 1st Mid.Tenn., 11th Ind.Battery, 12th Ind.Battery, 1st Mich.Artillery, 5th Battery.3d Ind.Cavalry (1 Co.)---* Brigade commanders not indicated on return.+ Batteries not indicated on return.
Organization of Troops in the Dept.of the Cumberland, Commanded by Major General George H.Thomas, Chattanooga, Tenn., Oct.20th, 1863.
Maj.-Gen'l G.Granger.
First Division.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Brig.Gen'l Chas.Cruft, 21st Ill., 38th Ill., 29th Ind., 31st Ind., 81st Ind., 1st Ky., 90th O., 101st O.SECONDBRIGADE.--Brig.Gen'l W.C.Whitaker, 96th Ill., 115th Ill., 35th Ind., 84th Ind., 8th Ky., 40th O., 51st O., 99th O.THIRDBRIGADE.--Col.Wm.Grose 59th Ill., 75th Ill., 84th Ill., 9th Ind., 30th Ind., 36th Ind., 24th O., 77th Penn.ARTILLERY.--5th Ind.
Battery, 4th U.S.Art., Co."H;" 4th U.S.Art., Co."M."Second Division.
Maj.-Gen'l P.H.Sheridan.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l J.B.Steedman, 36th Ill., 44th Ill., 73d Ill., 74th Ill., 88th Ill., 22d Ind., 21st Mich., 2d Mo., 15th Mo., 24th Wis.SECOND BRIGADE.--Brig.Gen'l G.D.Wagner, 100th Ill., 15th Ind., 40th Ind., 57th Ind., 58th Ind., 13th Mich., 26th O., 97th O.THIRD BRIGADE.--Col.C.G.Harker, 22d Ill., 27th Ill., 42d Ill., 51st Ill., 79th Ill., 3d Ky., 64th O., 65th O., 125th O.
ARTILLERY.--1st Ill.Art., Co."M," 10th Ind.Battery, 1st Miss.
Art., Co."G."
Third Division.
Brig.-Gen'l T.J.Wood.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l A Willich, 25th Ill., 35th Ill., 89th Ill., 32d Ind., 68th Ind., 8th Kan., 15th O., 49th O., 15th Wis.
SECOND BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l W.B.Hazen, 6th Ind., 5th Ky., 6th Ky., 23d Ky., 1st O., 6th O., 41st O., 93d O., 124th O.THIRDBRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l S.Beatty, 44th Ind., 79th Ind., 86th Ind., 9th Ky., 17th Ky., 13th O., 19th O., 59th O.ARTILLERY.--Bridge's Battery Ill.Art., 6th O.Battery, 26th Penn.Battery.
Maj.-Gen'l O.O.Howard.
Second Division.
Brig.-Gen'l A.Von Steinwehr.
FIRST BRIGADE.--33d N.J., 134th N.Y., 154th N.Y., 27th Penn., 73d Penn.SECOND BRIGADE.--33d Mass., 136th N.Y., 55th O., 73d O.
Third Division.
Maj.-Gen'l C.Schurz.
FIRST BRIGADE.--82d Ill., 45th N.Y., 142nd N.Y., 61st O., 82d O.
SECOND BRIGADE.--58th N.Y., 68th N.Y., 119th N.Y., 141st N.Y., 75th Penn., 26th Wis.ARTILLERY--1st New York Art.Co."I," 13th New York Battery, Indt.Co.8th N.Y.Vol.Infty., 1st Ohio Art., Co."I," 1st Ohio Artl, Co."K," 4th U.S., Co."G."TWELFTH ARMY CORPS.*
Maj.-Gen'l H.W.Slocum.
First Division.
Brig.-Gen'l A.S.Williams.
FIRST BRIGADE.--5th Conn., 20th Conn., 3d Md., 123d N.Y., 145th N.Y., 46th Penn.SECOND BRIGADE.--27th Ind., 2d Mass., 13th N.J., 107th N.Y., 150th N.Y., 3d Wis.
Second Division.
Brig.-Gen'l John W.Geary.
FIRST BRIGADE.--5th O., 7th O., 29th O., 66th O., 28th Penn., 147th Penn.SECOND BRIGADE.--29th Penn., 109th Penn., 111th Penn., THIRDBRIGADE.--60th N.Y., 78th N.Y., 102d N.Y., 137th N.Y., 149th N.Y., ARTILLERY.--1st Batt'n 10th Maine Vol.Infty., 1st New York Art.
Co."M," Pennsylvania Batt'y, Co."E," 4th U.S.Art., Co."F," 5th U.S.Art.Co."K."(Maj-Gen'l Joseph Hooker, Com'g 11th and 12th Army Corps.)Lietu.-Col.Hunton, Unassigned Artillery.
2d Ky.Batt'y, 1st Mich.E.and M., 20th Ind.Batt'y., 1st Ky.
Batt'y., 1st O.Art., Co."E," 10th Wis.Batt'y.
Maj.-Gen'l.George H.Thomas.
First Division.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Col.O.F.Moore: 104th Ill., 38th Ind., 42d Ind., 88th Ind., 15th Ky., 2d O., 33d O., 94th O., 10th Wis.SECONDBRIGADE.--Col.M.F.Moore: 19th Ill., 11th Mich., 18th O., 69th O., 15th U.S.Infty., 1st and 2d Batt., 16th U.S.Infty., 1st Batt., 18th U.S.Infty., 1st and 2d Batt., 19th U.S.Infty., 1st Batt.THIRD BRIGADE.--Col.W.Sirwell: 24th Ill., 37th Ind., 21st O., 74th O., 78th Penn., 79th Penn., 1st Wis., 21st Wis.
ARTILLERY.--1st Ill.Art., Co."C.," 1st Mich.Art., Co."A.," 5th U.S.Art., Co."H."Second Division.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l.J.D.Morgan: 10th Ill., 16th Ill., 60th Ill., 10th Mich., 14th Mich.SECOND BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l J.
Beatty: 3d East Tenn., 5th East Tenn., 6th East Tenn., 78th Ill., 98th O., 113th O., 121st O.THIRD BRIGADE.--Col.D.McCook: 85th Ill., 86th Ill., 110th Ill., 125th Ill., 52d O., 22d Mich.
ARTILLERY.--2d Ill.Art., Co."L," 2d Minn.Batt'y, 5th Wis.Batt'y.
Third Division.
Brig.-Gen'l A.Baird.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l J.B.Turchin: 82d Ind., 11th O., 17th O., 31st O., 36th O., 89th O., 92d O.SECOND BRIGADE--Col.Jas.
George: 75th Ind., 87th Ind., 101st Ind., 2d Minn., 9th O., 35th O., 105th O.THIRD BRIGADE--Col.E.H.Phelps: 10th Ind., 74th Ind., 4th Ky., 10th Ky., 18th Ky., 14th O., 38th O.ARTILLERY.--7th Ind.Batt'y., 19th Ind.Batt'y., 4th U.S.Art., Co."I."ARTILLERY RESERVE.
Brig.-Gen'l J.M.Brannan, Chf.of Art.
First Division.
FIRST BRIGADE.--1st O.Art., Co."A.," 1st O.Art., Co."B.," 1st O.Art., Co."C.," 1st O.Art., Co."F." SECOND BRIGADE.--1st O.
Art., Co."G.," 1st O.Art., Co."M.," 18th O.Batt'y., 20th O.
Second Division.
FIRST BRIGADE.--Capt.Sutermeister: 4th Ind.Batt'y., 8th Ind.
Batt'y, 11th Ind.Batt'y., 21st Ind.Batt'y.SECOND BRIGADE.--Capt.
Church: 1st Mich Art., Co."D.," 1st M.Tenn.Art., Co."A.," 3d Wis.Batt'y, 8th Wis.Batt'y.COBURN'S BRIGADE.--33d Ind., 85th Ind., 19th Mich., 22d Wis., 9th O.Batt'y.U.S.FORCES, GALLATIN, TENN.--Brig.-Gen'l.E.A.Paine: 91st Ind.(1st Batt.), 50th O.
(1st Batt.), 71st O., 106th O., 13th Ind.Batt'y.
Brig.-Gen'l R.S.Granger, Comdg.Post.
WARD'S BRIGADE.--Brig.-Gen'l W.T.Ward; 105th Ill., 129th Ill., 70th Ind., 79th O., 1st Mich.Art., Co."E." UNASSIGNED.--18th Mich.Vol.Inft'y., 12th.Ind.Batt'y.CLARKSVILLE, TENN.--Col A.A.Smith, Comdg.Post: 83d Ill.(1st Batt.), 2d Ill.Art., Co.
"H." CHATTANOOGA, TENN.--10th O.Vol.Inft'y, 1st Batt.O.S.S.