He determined to go at once to the Pyrenees;but he would not leave his wife in Paris,lest some importunate creditor might reveal to her the secret of his horrible position.He therefore took her and the two children with him,refusing to allow her to take the tutor and scarcely permitting her to take a maid.His tone was curt and imperious;he seemed to have recovered some energy.This sudden journey,the cause of which escaped her penetration,alarmed Juana secretly.Her husband made it gaily.Obliged to occupy the same carriage,he showed himself day by day more attentive to the children and more amiable to their mother.Nevertheless,each day brought Juana dark presentiments,the presentiments of mothers who tremble without apparent reason,but who are seldom mistaken when they tremble thus.
For them the veil of the future seems thinner than for others.
At Bordeaux,Diard hired in a quiet street a quiet little house,neatly furnished,and in it he established his wife.The house was at the corner of two streets,and had a garden.Joined to the neighboring house on one side only,it was open to view and accessible on the other three sides.Diard paid the rent in advance,and left Juana barely enough money for the necessary expenses of three months,a sum not exceeding a thousand francs.Madame Diard made no observation on this unusual meanness.When her husband told her that he was going to the watering-places and that she would stay at Bordeaux,Juana offered no difficulty,and at once formed a plan to teach the children Spanish and Italian,and to make them read the two masterpieces of the two languages.She was glad to lead a retired life,simply and naturally economical.To spare herself the troubles of material life,she arranged with a "traiteur"the day after Diard's departure to send in their meals.Her maid then sufficed for the service of the house,and she thus found herself without money,but her wants all provided for until her husband's return.Her pleasures consisted in taking walks with the children.She was then thirty-three years old.Her beauty,greatly developed,was in all its lustre.Therefore as soon as she appeared,much talk was made in Bordeaux about the beautiful Spanish stranger.At the first advances made to her Juana ceased to walk abroad,and confined herself wholly to her own large garden.
Diard at first made a fortune at the baths.In two months he won three hundred thousand dollars,but it never occurred to him to send any money to his wife;he kept it all,expecting to make some great stroke of fortune on a vast stake.Towards the end of the second month the Marquis de Montefiore appeared at the same baths.The marquis was at this time celebrated for his wealth,his handsome face,his fortunate marriage with an Englishwoman,and more especially for his love of play.Diard,his former companion,encountered him,and desired to add his spoils to those of others.A gambler with four hundred thousand francs in hand is always in a position to do as he pleases.Diard,confident in his luck,renewed acquaintance with Montefiore.The latter received him very coldly,but nevertheless they played together,and Diard lost every penny that he possessed,and more.
"My dear Montefiore,"said the ex-quartermaster,after making a tour of the salon,"I owe you a hundred thousand francs;but my money is in Bordeaux,where I have left my wife."Diard had the money in bank-bills in his pocket;but with the self-possession and rapid bird's-eye view of a man accustomed to catch at all resources,he still hoped to recover himself by some one of the endless caprices of play.Montefiore had already mentioned his intention of visiting Bordeaux.Had he paid his debt on the spot,Diard would have been left without the power to take his revenge;a revenge at cards often exceeds the amount of all preceding losses.But these burning expectations depended on the marquis's reply.
"Wait,my dear fellow,"said Montefiore,"and we will go together to Bordeaux.In all conscience,I am rich enough to-day not to wish to take the money of an old comrade."Three days later Diard and Montefiore were in Bordeaux at a gambling table.Diard,having won enough to pay his hundred thousand francs,went on until he had lost two hundred thousand more on his word.He was gay as a man who swam in gold.Eleven o'clock sounded;the night was superb.Montefiore may have felt,like Diard,a desire to breathe the open air and recover from such emotions in a walk.The latter proposed to the marquis to come home with him to take a cup of tea and get his money.
"But Madame Diard?"said Montefiore.
"Bah!"exclaimed the husband.
They went down-stairs;but before taking his hat Diard entered the dining-room of the establishment and asked for a glass of water.While it was being brought,he walked up and down the room,and was able,without being noticed,to pick up one of those small sharp-pointed steel knives with pearl handles which are used for cutting fruit at dessert.
"Where do you live?"said Montefiore,in the courtyard,"for I want to send a carriage there to fetch me."Diard told him the exact address.
"You see,"said Montefiore,in a low voice,taking Diard's arm,"that as long as I am with you I have nothing to fear;but if I came home alone and a scoundrel were to follow me,I should be profitable to kill.""Have you much with you?"