Oct.22nd,2011,Saturday, Shower Why don’t you choose Germany?
In Starbucks in Wanda Square, Zhengzhou, Wang Chenxin says affer sipping coffee:“Please introduce overseas study in Germany in details, my elder sister.”
“It's a pleasure. The security money is not necessary for overseas study in Germany.For admission to German Universittes, the language requirement is lower.With the certtffcate of certain credit hours of German Study(which is generally 800 to 1000 credit hours)or English Study, and after you pass the exam of DSH or DaF, you can have your admission notice from a German university.Before you decide to study in German, you should try to ensure if you are qualiffed.You should be a student of common universities or colleges listed on the website of the Education Ministry of PRC.The students of vocational Colleges are now not acceptable.Before you apply for admission to a college or university, a certificate issued by APS is demanded by German colleges or universittes.APS-Akademische Prüfstelle means the Academic Evaluatton Centre in English,”says Li Yucui.
“How can I apply for the certtffcate?”Wang Chenxi asks.
“You contact APS which provides services on behalf of the Cultural Section of the German Embassy, Beijing. It was established in July 2001 in conjunctton with the German Academic Exchange Service(Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD)and is based in Beijing.The APS is effecttvely the gateway to study in Germany for Chinese university applicants.After the successful verification of an applicant’s documents(this could include a validatton interview or TestAS—德适考试),the APS issues a certificate which German universities demand as an admission requirement.This certificate attests the authenticity of the documents that have been handed in by the Chinese applicants, and also that the person has achieved sufficient qualifications in China in order to apply for the study at a German university.You pay 2500 Yuan RMB, mail or submit the necessary documents.They will verify it.About the detailed informatton, you can consult the website-www.aps.com,”says Li Yucui.
Wang Chenxin asks:“Shall I have a TestAS as a senior student?”
Li Yucui says:“Chinese undergraduate applicants, who have not yet completed the sixth semester of their undergraduate studies, take the TestAS within the APS procedure instead of doing the interview. TestAS is made up with three parts:30 minutes of language test,110 minutes of core test-Solving Quantitative Problems, Inferring Relationships, Completing Patterns and Continuing Numerical Series,145 to 150 minutes of professional knowledge exams.There are four modules-Economics Module, Engineering Module, Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences Module, Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences Module.Applicants register online(www.testas.de),remit 2500 Yuan RMB to APS, including Visa cost, and submit documents for examinatton.Then they will have their TestAS on a date and in a locatton they chose.Affer they pass TestAS, APS will mail ten certtffcates to applicants.With them, they can apply to a German university or college.But in Germany, the applicants must study the same majors as in Chinese university and can not make a change.That’s another story.You must prepare an interview in APS o ces in Beijing or Shanghai.”
“How shall I apply for the interview exactly?”
The procedure in detail is:
1 You ffrst register online with website-www.aps.org.cn.
2 Remit 2500 Yuan RMB to APS account.
3 Submit your documents required by APS.
4 You will be waittng for a nottce of your interview ttme.
5 You must be interviewed on ttme.
6 You will have your APS certificate if your interview is successful.
There are 4 to 8 weeks from your submi ng your documents to receiving the result. Somettmes or during vacatton, the handling ttme will be longer or shorter.
“What documents should be submitted?”
1. Duplicate of remittance.
2.Online registratton document.(You print PDF ffle and sttck your photo of 2 inches on)
3.Duplicate of your identification card.(If you have your passport, duplicate of it is necessary.)
4.Duplicatton of graduatton certtffcate of your primary school.(Notarizatton is not necessary.In the document, there should be your educatton system and ttme of beginning and ending of your primary school study).
5.Duplicatton of diplome of your middle school.(Notarizatton is not necessary.In the document, there should be your educatton system and ttme of beginning and ending of your primary school study).
6.Notarization document of your high school diploma(with notarizatton document of its English or German translatton.)
7.Notarization document of your college or university admission scroll(with notarization document of its English or German translatton).
8.Students who are studying in a college or university submit their notarizatton document of studying in the college or university.Students who have graduated submit their notarizatton document of their graduation certificate and degree certificate(with notarizatton document of its English or German translatton).
9.Notarization of each semester's achievements of each program(with notarization document of its English or German translatton).
10.Notarizatton of your English or German credit hours(credit hours or self-studying hours).
Wang Chenxin asks:“Are there anything else important for preparing the documents?”
Li Yucui says:“1. Certificate of studying in a college or university must state how students are admitted by the college or university, names of colleges, faculttes or departments, major, student ID NO.,program, beginning and ending of students’studying in the college or university, semesters students have ffnished, with the stamp of a school level o ce such as the stamp of the teaching affairs office or the stamp of archive or student record o ce, etc.Department Stamps are not acceptable.”
2.If an undergraduate student dose not have bachelor degree certtffcate, he or she must have his or her college or university’s certtffcate to state why he or she does not have the certtffcate.The original document is necessary.
3.College or university achievement documents should include every course the students study.Please never miss any one, include the course the student failed to study and did not pass the final exam.The achievements should be recorded semester by semester.Students should submit the document with the stamp of a school level o ce such as the stamp of the teaching affairs o ce or the stamp of archive or student record o ce, etc.Department Stamps are not acceptable.
4.Students can mail the required documents or submit them in the service o ce of APS.
5.The notarizatton documents should be with their English or German translatton notarizatton document.(Students can consult notarizatton o ces of their cittes.)
6.APS may require some applicants to submit extra documents.
“I was told that there is no bachelor degree in German Universities. The college students can study for their master degree directly.Is that true?”says Wang Chenxi.
“It was a tradition. But since 1999 more than 2000 international B.A.and M.A.courses have been introduced at German universittes.At the moment, B.A.and M.A.degree courses already account for about 35%of all courses taught at German universities, and by 2010 they are scheduled to have almost completely replaced the tradittonal degrees.I will talk about it in detail later on.”said Li Yi Cui.
“I was told there are three parallel but separate types of schools at the secondary level in German educatton,”Says Wang Chenxi.
“Yes, the German educatton system has three disttnct features which distinguish it from the education systems of most other industrialized nations.What you talked about is one of them.Second, there is a so-called‘dual system’of vocational training carried out simultaneously at the workplace and at vocational school.Third, most German schools and institu tions of higher educatton are tradittonally state-owned and free of charge,”says Wang Chenxi.
“How about students of fine art, dance and music major?I have a good friend who majors in ffne art?”
“They must go to Germany to have an admittance exam in the related universittes or colleges.Interview is not for them.Of course, they can only study in the colleges of ffne art, music and dance.If they want to study in other common colleges or universittes, they must be in common examinatton procedure-common China applicant procedure or documents examinatton procedure.”