智慧城市(Smart City)是指通过广泛采用物联网、云计算、移动互联网、大数据等新一代信息技术,提高城市规划、建设、管理、服务、生产、生活的自动化、智能化水平,使城市运转更高效、更敏捷、更低碳。智慧城市是继数字城市(Digital City)、信息城市(Informational City)之后城市信息化的高级阶段,是中国城市转型发展的重要方向。
从1999 年开始,著者在中国科学院资深院士陈述彭、国际欧亚科学院院士承继成等老师的指导下,开始学习、研究以地理信息系统(GIS)为核心的数字城市。在2004 年提出建立以城市信息化为研究对象的“城市信息学”(Urban Informatics),2006年参与撰写了《城市信息化方法与实践》一书,提出的“信息城市”概念,扩展了数字城市的建设内容。2009年以来,随着“智慧地球”概念传入中国,著者开展了“智慧城市”研究。出版本书的初衷,就是希望为中国智慧城市的健康发展贡献一份力量。
The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) clearly adhere to the road of new industrialization,informatization,urbanization,agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics,put forward to promote the fusion of informatization and industrialization deeply,the positive interaction of industrialization and urbanization,the coordination of urbanization and agricultural modernization,to advance the simultaneous development of industrialization,informatization,urbanization,agricultural modernization. Informatization is an important support of urbanization,urbanization can not be separated from informatization.
Smart City is a kind of city through the widespread adoption of the new generation information technology such as Internet of Things,Cloud Computing,Mobile Internet,Big Data,to promote automation and intelligent level of urban planning,construction,management,service,production and living,make city operating more efficient,more agile and more low-carbon. Smart City is the advanced stage of City Informatizationfollowing after"Digital City","Informatiional City",it is an important direction of the transformation and development of city in China Mainland.
Since 1999,I began to learn and research the Geographic Information System (GIS) based Digital City under the guidance of Chen Shupeng who was the senior academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences,and Cheng Jicheng who was the academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences.In 2004,I proposed to establish a new discipline called Urban Informatics. In 2006,I puplished a book named Methods and Practice of City Informatization.Since 2009,with the concept of"Smart Planet" was introduced to China,I carried out research about "smart city". The original intention of publishing this book was that I hope to make contribution to the healthy development of Smart City in China.
In this book,firstly the process of city informatization in China was reviewed,a framework of Smart City was established,and the developments of smart city in China and some foreign countries were introduced. Then the applications of Internet of Things,Cloud Computing,Mobile Internet,Big Data and spatial information technologies in smart city were expounded,the network infrastructure of smart city was described. And then the three main areas of smart city such as Smart Government,Smart Economy and Smart Society were discussed.Intelligent Manufacturing,Smart Industry,Smart Enterprise were elaborated at the sector of Smart Economy,and Smart Health,Smart Education,Smart Community,Smart Family and Smart Tourism were elaborated at the sector of Smart Society.Finally,the policy environment,economic environment,social environment and technology environment of smart city development were analyzed.
Smart City is a new thing,and it is still evolving.Because of limited knowledge,errors and leakages in this book is inevitable,I urge readers to criticize them.
Jin Jiang-jun
March 2013