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Chapter 1. Cluster Basics and Installation on CentOS 7
Clustering fundamentals
Setting up CentOS 7 nodes
Installing the packages required for clustering
Chapter 2. Installing Cluster Services and Configuring Network Components
Configuring and starting clustering services
Security fundamentals
Getting acquainted with PCS
Setting up a virtual IP for the cluster
Chapter 3. A Closer Look at High Availability
Failover – an introduction to high availability and performance
Fencing – isolating the malfunctioning nodes
Installing and configuring a STONITH device
Split-brain – preparing to avoid inconsistencies
Quorum – scoring inside your cluster
Configuring our cluster with PCS GUI
Chapter 4. Real-world Implementations of Clustering
Setting up storage
ELRepo repository and DRBD availability
Configuring DRBD
Adding DRBD as a PCS cluster resource
Installing the web and database servers
Configuring the web server as a cluster resource
Mounting the DRBD resource and using it with Apache
Testing the DRBD resource along with Apache
Setting up a high-availability database with replicated storage
Chapter 5. Monitoring the Cluster Health
Cluster services and performance
Monitoring the node status
Monitoring the resources
Chapter 6. Measuring and Increasing Performance
Setting up a sample database
Introducing initial cluster tests
Measuring and improving performance
Moving to an A/A cluster